Name: Tanaruz Qáqaga

Age: 22

Gender: Female, Cis, She/her

Birthday: 9 January, 1977

Chinese Zodiac: Snake

Species: Human

Nationality: Native American (Omaha)

Born in: Thurston County, Nebraska

Lives in: Mikasi, Nebraska

Relatives: Inna Benkowski (cousin)

Languages: English, learning Omaha-Ponca

Disabilities: ADHD

She is Lawley's second patient. Tanaruz has terrible ADHD, and can't focus during any of her sessions with Lawley, which causes a gaping roadblock in any progress that could ever be made with her. She is always talking about her motorcycle or the latest thing Tammy Faye Bakker has said. Shes very guarded and extremely tough but secretly a sweetheart. She rather die than have someone find out she spends almost all of her free time reading sappy romance novels.

Likes: MOTORCYCLES, shoes that make her taller than she actually is, her motorcycle, big cats, winning at games even if they are small, perverted people, feeble men, romance novels, trashy televangelists

Dislikes: Being alone with her thoughts, the night (if she's not at a party or riding through the deserts on her motorcycle), being emotionally vulnerable