Name: Tora Bytyqi

Age: 24

Gender: Female, She/Her, Transwoman

Birthday: 23 December, 1938

Chinese Zodiac: Tiger

Species: Human

Nationality: Algerian-Mizrahi Albanian

Born in: Vlorë, Albania

Relatives: Islem Bytyqi (father), Amaris Bytyqi (mother)

Languages: Albanian, Arabic, English, Swedish (how impressive)

Disabilities: Likely has Social Anxiety Disorder

Tora is a very shy, soft spoken girl. Luckily, this coyness isnt rooted in any sort of issue with self esteem. Tora knows her worth, and quite enjoys taking care of herself and trying new things with her hair and clothing. She is quite afraid of Den Sista Kyrkogrim, and has received quite a reputation for her superstition. Luckily, Chernobog makes sure the house is locked up tight in the evenings so Tora can rest easy.

Likes: Operas (specifically in Arabic), hair-styling, singing, gymnastics, dancing (hopes one day to be in an Opera), listening to Ximena play the morin khuur, her cats Hallelujah (Holly for short) and Bruno, Chernobog, cuddling

Dislikes: Den Sista Kyrkogrim, not understanding something, hunting or killing animals even if it is for food, the horror genre, volcanoes (HATES THINKING ABOUT THEM), when Chernobog tries and teases her even as a joke