Aleph is Lawley’s race. Aleph means "ox" in Engish and is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and makes up almost 9% of the Consonant population. They live in Channel one of the sefirot, which in the material world can be understood as some place between Uranus and Neptune. It is a little cold in Channel One due to its distance from the sun, so Aleph are generally large, blubbery creatures with lots of fat that live in closely knit herds that are led by one Top Aleph who is a female. Aleph herself was Lawley’s surrogate. For a very long time, before 5000 AC they specialized in an oxen related mind-to-matter magic (creating matter using severed ears of newborn oxes as paper, or by speaking into the breath of a newborn ox), but ever since then they haven't specialized in any sort of specific work/magic, and typically tend to the issues of others.