Ayin is the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means "eye" in english. They contain both an evil eye and a good eye. They make up about 3.7% of the population. Channel 16 is right between the Sun and Mercury. It is extremely hot outside in their Channel and there is barely any vegetation except for a few shrubs. All Ayin live inside of an extremely large mansion, which is the only shade from the sun. Ayin are very serious all the time and they hardly ever go outside. They are in charge of judgment at the sefirot “court” called the Kether. Their actual eyes are covered by two braids, and young Ayin start to cover their eyes when their hair gets long enough to do so. Their mind-to-matter magic does not have a speaking component like all of the other consonants do. This is because Ayin is a silent letter, meaning it sees but does not speak. Their only mind-to-matter magic is performed via a very long ritual that nobody actually knows the rules to, not even other consonants. It looks like they are just picking up random letters (made of gold, white gold, or stone) and placing them on random sides of a large scale that is in the middle of the Kether. Sometimes they pick letters up and throw them away. It looks a bit like chess to someone who doesn't know how to play chess.