Many many years ago, in 33 AD, a man known as Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of humanity. He stayed on that cross for six hours. During those six hours, a few sheep wandered up to the man and began eating a his leg.

In the year 1850, those sheep's ancestors were being delivered to Sweden on a livestock ship. They lost several of those sheep on the way, and their bodies were washed up on the shores of Pite-Rönnskär. A light house keeper found the bodies and placed them under the nearest chapel he could find.

After a few days, a Kyrkogrim emerged from the chapel. This was the first Kyrkogrim. Her name was Från Havet.

The Scandinavian people were facinated by these creatures- both for their looks and for their meat, which gives you magical benefits like good wealth or fertility.

However, in the 1920s, people began to debate the morality of eating Kyrkogrim. They were so human-looking after all.

By 1935, it became illegal to create kyrkogrim. But it wasn't illegal to eat the last remaining ones

Most of them were caught, or trapped. Some of them took off into the ocean. But some of them dissapeared into society, hoping the kyrkogrim sniffing dogs wouldn't seek them out.

It is said that the last kyrkogrim, Den Sista Kyrkogrim, walks the forests of Sweden angrily, ready to destory anyone who comes into his sight. Some say it is only a cautionary tale meant to keep kids out of the woods, but some say otherwise...