Tav, the final letter, number twenty-two, means “the end”. What a way to end the alphabet! Their hieroglyphic form is depicted as a cross- which became an execution method / crucifixion method due to how one would suffocate on it. Tav makes up a surprising 5.9% of the population. Tav means all things ending- death, decomposition, and disappearance. Don’t be frightened though, Tav are very kind, and very comfortable with visitors to their channel. They are in an internal state of decomposition. Non-consonant creatures that are sometimes found in the sefiroth, like Sheydim, are constantly drinking discarded minerals from the fluids leaking out of their bodies. Their mind-to-matter magic is communicated only through unique clicking noises. Have you ever seen that video of the cranes celebrating their first egg? It sounds/looks exactly like that. They live in channel 22, between the moon and the earth. They are the closest channel to earth.