Tsade is the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means “trap” in English. Channel 18 is between the Moon and Venus. They make up 1.3% of the Consonant population. Tsade are very partial to being near water, for they specialize in fish, shell, and seaweed trapping. For reference, almost all consonant food and luxuries are from the “sea”. Many baby cots are made out of large shells, and most plates and cups are made of shells as well. They probably have one of the most complicated ways of performing mind-to-matter. In order to create matter using writing they have to catch things from the sea that resemble letters and then assemble those letters into their desired matter. The speaking part of their mind-to-matter magic is performed by catching something and getting the caught creature to say what the Tsade wants them to say. The creature is of course released afterwards, as are the letter-shaped objects caught in the traps.